Boardwise Provides Quality Talent to the Board
Board Composition Makes a Difference
An organization’s board of directors and what they bring to the board table, such as their management background and skills, makes a significant impact on results. Board composition varies widely depending upon an organization’s goals and industry. High performing boards select directors with a rich mix of diversity in experience, skills and backgrounds which provide deep insights and perspectives to tackle challenging issues and strategic direction.
Boards with diversity of thought have better conversations, make smarter decisions, and employ a more holistic approach when handling issues.
Sourcing Director Talent
Serving as a board director is both an honor and a duty. Directors must arm themselves with the understanding about their responsibilities, the current and emerging challenges and trends which face them and the fundamental knowledge and skills they need to be capable contributors to public, private and advisory boards.
Boardwise is happy to provide qualified, certified professionals for board roles. The diversity of expertise in our board registry covers a wide array of experienced professionals from C-Suite roles, such as COOs, CIOs, CROs, CMOs, CFOs, CHROs and CEOs, as well as specialists in key areas, such as marketing, revenue and sales, technology, AI and innovations, international global governance.
Our candidates are certified via our annual Boardwise Professional Certification Program.
Our registry includes candidates across the globe, as we assist in director sourcing in more than 50 countries.
Matching Talent to Board Needs
We assist boards in creating ideal board teams.
- We help with defining the current board composition and identify gaps in skills and expertise needed for the future.
- We collaborate to specify the skills and experience needed in new additions to the board.
- We provide certified, qualified candidates as ideal matches for the board.
This sourcing for qualified directors is cost-effective, saving boards the fees for traditional executive search.
Feel free to contact us for help to define the specific board needs for your future and to source ideal candidates. Contact us for assistance.
Mark Your Calendar
Our 2025 Board Certification Program
Expands by Popular Request
For 2025, we will offer three Online Programs and one Two-Day in-person program. We hope this range provides flexible options for all who wish to join.
On-line Program
This offers 2-hour sessions for 9 consecutive Fridays.
New Year
February 14 - April 11
Spring Session
April 18- J June 13
Sept 5- October 31
In- Person 2 Day Program
Nov 7-Nov 8, 2025
For more information about the program:
Prepare Yourself for Board Work Ahead as a Certified Candidate With Current Skills to Serve
For help, reach us at or 510-517-7791