hh reports ...
November, 2020
Great Minds
Don't Think Alike
Use Your Thinking Style to Guide Your Life and Work
by Donna Hamlin, Ph.D.
Watch our video: https://youtu.be/Jrp2FmxLUVo
The way we think makes a difference in how we address and solve problems, choose careers, develop relationships and make decisions. This webinar outlines the types of thinking styles, helps you identify your personal orientation and offers ways to build skills to improve, both personally and within-group teams.
Take a break for your personal development to:
- Understand a new dimension of diversity as the diversity of thought
- Learn the four key styles of thinking
- Identify the strengths and cautions with each style
- Learn how the diversity of thought affects team effectiveness and organizational performance
- Discover tips and strategies for developing personal skills in elastic thinking
- Explore recommendations for how to improve group and team performance with high-inclusion competencies and methods
If you would like to improve the way your team works together, call us about our workshop based on how to work with different styles.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving time.
Whether together or by calls and chats, enjoy those you love and share gratitude for all good things.